Terms And Conditions

Outdoor Upholstery Dubai is a client-oriented interior design company that provides professional services for the ideal renovations of your residential & commercial spaces. To ensure reliable communication and efficient workflow, the company applies certain terms and conditions on featured products and services. Our formulated terms specify the integral details to keep the streamlined service flow, ensuring integrity and precision. The end-user license agreement by the company states the terms and conditions of the products and services to be followed by the clients and the company.

The stated rules ensure a smooth dealing experience, eliminating any kind of misunderstandings. As per the rules and conditions specified by the company, both user and service suppliers possess contractual rights to avail of our products and services. Here are the details of our rules and regulations for mutual understanding between both parties.

Details About Our High-End Products & Services

We are more than pleased to facilitate you with premium quality interior design elements. Our feature catalog of products comprises all sorts of furnishing ranging from rugs to carpets, cushions to upholstery, furniture to wall coverings, and fascinating renovation essentials. All of our products are crafted with high-quality materials, featuring excellent craftsmanship & one-of-a-kind designs.

We possess copyrights of each of the manufactured elements for your satisfaction and assurance. In the construction, the materials utilized are of natural and synthetic type, ensuring long-term longevity. Our company keeps a track record of the history of each of the items to be manufactured and sold.

Ideal Material Composition Of Our Products

As the most renowned interior design firm, we are committed to providing the finely manufactured product. We rightfully own and claim to provide quality and durable products. Here are the notable details for our products.

  • For every interior design element, we have a wide design and material variety.
  • Each essential is sustainably crafted, following the latest tools, materials, and trends.
  • You can order pre-made or customized elements according to suitability and needs.
  • You can review the graphical images from the gallery before selecting a product.
  • The delivered item will be the exact depiction of what was sighted in the images.
  • There’s a probability of minor change in the color tone due to light reflection.
  • We get in touch with users to collect the essential details for custom furnishings.
  • A confirmation e-mail will be forwarded to the client for making the needed proceeding.
  • An item can be set for alteration until it is not in the manufacturing process.

Accuracy And Precision Of Custom And Pre-made Products

Whether you want to shop for a pre-made or customized product, we offer you a smooth and flexible treatment in both cases. We always follow customers’ instructions so they can get the exact custom order per their preferences. Know about the general conditions specified in terms of customizations:

  • Company workers visit your locations individually for analysis purposes.
  • Your every detail is taken into account for the ideal size & style for customization.
  • We always reach out to you for your approval before customizing a product.
  • You can show us the images or samples for your custom interior design elements.
  • The company won’t show any flexibility of alteration once the item is delivered to you.

Details For Your Order Processing

We offer you multiple means of communication to reach out to us for your desired product purchase.

Contact Via Website

To discuss your requirements, users can get access to us via the company’s official website.

Make Telephone Call

For streamlined and efficient communication, you can give us a call and specify your concerns.

Use WhatsApp

Any detail about the product can be shared on WhatsApp, ensuring a smooth workflow.

Order Confirmation Call

When you place your order, our representative team will make a call to confirm your order and to match the details of the items to be purchased. After that, we send the duplicate file of your order with specified details on your email address. Clients can check out the information or correct any misguided details to avoid upcoming conflicts.

Rules For Terminating Your Order

Our firm applies the terms and conditions for the order cancellation due to genuine reasons. The obligatory rules are specified as:

  • Clients can cancel the order on finding any manufacturing defect in our product.
  • Our firm won’t take responsibility in case of misleading order details by clients.
  • To cancel your booked order, you have the specified timeframe of 2-3 working days.
  • Outside of the allocated time by the company, you cannot process for order termination.
  • During the reserved duration, you can send product details with a description for proceeding.


Some Conditions For Product Refund Or Return

The flexible opportunity of product return or refund allows you to swap your misplaced orders. Our refund policy comes with certain restrictions:

  • Our refund policy is applicable for swapped or misplaced orders.
  • Clients can sign up for a refund on finding any flaw on our end.
  • Picture and video with issue details will be required for processing.
  • Item will be accepted with the receipt and in the original condition.
  • The company will refund your order via any flexible payment method.

 Following Payment Methods

  • Credit Card
  • Debit Card
  • Bank Transfer
  • Cash On Delivery


Before you opt to acquire our products and services, ensure going through these terms and conditions specified by the company for streamlined working procedures. Also, you can reach out to us anytime to know more about these terms and regulations